Corvettes are cool. There was a brief period during which they were hideous, but at that time, everything was. Mechanically, older cars are more beautiful than the Enterprise, which is full of wingdings, widgets, and magics. Nobody uses that crap anymore. Magic went out with the wizards years ago, and while widgets are fine for things like books and blogs, it would be silly to run a spaceship with them.
Why does everyone get so emotional and dramatic in Star Trek? Real spaceships are filled with alcohol and boredom, puctuated with card games and depressing introspection. The results are a lot of forced jokes, drunken stupors, fist fights, and lazy doodling. (In that order.) I usually spend the time reading or playing video games, not having heated discussions with the crew as to whether our course is right or our crystal magic is running dry. That's what computers and other people are for.
Now, for my money, the sexiest new tech in spaceships is Improbability. It's often unstable, but boy howdy, is it fast.