Thursday, November 26, 2009

Due to popular demand, I will appease my teeming masses of fans with yet another, shockingly terse and devastatingly hilarious postarooni.

I may have set the bar a little high there, so forget I wrote that last bit, and pretend that you aren't sure whether this will be a depressing look into refrigerator maintenance and repair , or possibly an erotic Mario Bros. fan fic.

You are know in the proper mood to enjoy the rest of this literary delight which I hereby present to you, the gullible little mook who has been tricked into visiting this page.

Ahem. Drum roll please!

And begin.

Whoops, had to close another window I was looking at which was Twilight related, and did not want polluting my above average mind which is rapidly filling with nonsense faster than I can spew it out of my fingers.

So now my mind is clear.


Aeons ago, in a foggy grey land,
Sat a small village with a lonely kirk,
And a tavern, some sheep and a mule.
But deep in the woods, the foggy grey woods,
Lay two robots, silent and rusty.

Their eyes were stuck shut,
So they could not see the foggy grey land,
Nor the small village with the lonely kirk,
Nor tavern, the sheep or the mule, not each other.
Yet a high frequency blip echoed through the wood.

Oh, the Automaton sighed (for the blip was a voice),
Where am I? And where is my darling?
Where is my Android I've lost in the wood?
She shed a tear and and she sighed.
This is conducive to oxidation.

Another voice wanders through the fog,
In answer and sorrow.
It is quiet, and lost in the wood,
Without anyone to hear it or notice.
The mourning cry of the Android.

Though when the wind changes,
And the North Wind blows,
The Android's cry rides on the wind,
Carried across the water,
He cries for his Automaton.

Rusty and still, the Android sits,
His eyes swollen shut, his head in his lap,
And his heart in a thousand pieces.
His Automaton sits not a foot from his grasp,
But neither one knows this.

If ever you are in the foggy grey woods,
Past the old kirk and tavern,
Listen with care and with kindness
To find the two robots who are lost in the wood,
And oil their joints so I can sleep.

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