Thursday, August 19, 2010

This post was sent from the FUTURE!

While you all were wildly entertained with that last post, I'm sure you all are wondering where in the galaxy did all of the educational stuff go?

To put it bluntly, several unidentified species of lizard-y things ran off with our education correspondent, and we've been negotiating a deal for the return of his watch and wallet.

So today, I plan on savagely beating another writer here until he regales us with fantastic tales of educational bent, and wont stop until we learn something.

"The Past, once forgotten and consequently ignored, contains many mysteries and artifacts, hidden from sight and covered with filth. If one were to build a functioning time machine and travel back there, one would presumably die instantly, because the Past is an ethereal dream filled with danger and giant intergalactic existence-eating spiders.

I did it once, with a team of insipid explorers and a magician, but we didn't go back very far, and were too scared to leave the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile."

The author of this interesting fable was fired, but not before surrendering the keys to his Oscar Meyer Weinermobile time machine.

1 comment:

MJ said...

This article might help make sense of the writer's experiences:

It seems that the past does not exist unless it is observed. I really don't know what to do with that, but if I figure it out in the future, I will have let you know...