Saturday, February 12, 2005

Sooo.... I just watched a short video of an okapi, and wondered, "Ok, the giraffe has 'evolved' a long neck to reach the high up leaves, but the okapi didn't?"

In case you didn't know, an okapi is basically a giraffe with a short neck, and zebra stripes on it's butt. It's a bit of a hybrid maybe.

Anyway, maybe the giraffe has a better reason for having such a long neck, maybe it lived near a lot of movie theaters and couldn't see over that jerk in the front with the big hair. (That means you, Mrs. Winklemeir) Either that, or perhaps it was a spy that had been captured by the lions, and the lions tortured it on a makeshift rack. Either way, the okapi still has a short neck, and is constantly picked on by it's big brother, the giraffe.

"Your neck is soooo short, you can't go on this ride!" taunted Giraffe.

"Moooommm! He's being mean to me again!"

"Shut up! I'm trying to get this souffle to rise! Go tell your father."

Okapi runs away crying and meets a Zebra in an alley.

"Hey, kid, whatcha doin'? This's R turf, yo." the Zebras start to close in, threateningly, and the okapi acts tough to gain their trust. Soon, he joins the Zebra gang. Only one problem, they all have cool tattoos, and the okapi must get one to be a full-fledged member and get discounts at Fleeblers.

The okapi is soon talked into going to a tattoo parlour, run by a frightening punk buffalo, and begins the arduous task of getting tatted. Before the artist finishes, the okapi's parents rush in and stop him. After a loud dispute with a lot of yelling and crying, the okapi runs away, and the parents return to their home. The parents get run over by a train on their way back, and the Giraffe gets a job in Hollywood doing Toys 'R' Us commercials, and gets heavily into drugs. Meanwhile, the okapi hangs out in hippie coffee shops and new age bookstores. It's sad really.

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